


Maratek logo


Market leader in professionally-engineered solvent recycling and botanical extraction technologies.


Manufacturer of environmentally conscious products that recycle waste for reuse from printing, coatings, automotive, aerospace, paint and many other related manufacturers in a wide range of industries to help them stay competitive in the marketplace but cutting costs and saving money, providing the best ROI possible.

Maratek focuses on four main solvent recycling solution areas:

Cannabis & Hemp
Automatic winterization

Turnkey Automatic Winterization System TAWS

Turnkey Automatic Winterization System TAWS

Cannabis & Hemp
Ethanol extraction

Cannabis- und Hanf-Ethanol-Extraktion durch Promarsa Gmbh


Cannabis- und Hanf-Ethanol-Extraktion durch Promarsa Gmbh


Cannabis & Hemp
Falling film evaporator

Energieeffizienter Fallfilmverdampfer Helios von Promarsa GmbH

Helios Energy Efficient Falling Film Evaporator

Cannabis & Hemp
Oil & ethanol recovery

Automatische Ethanolrückgewinnung und Decarboxylierung OERS-SC von Promarsa Gmbh

Automatic Ethanol Recovery & Decarboxylation OERS-SC

Vollautomatisches und kontinuierliches Ethanol-Rückgewinnungssystem OERS-C von Promarsa GmbH

Fully Automatic and Continuous Ethanol Recovery System OERS-C

Cannabis & Hemp
Oil Post Processing

Destillat-Produktionsanlagenlinie HVE von Promarsa Gmbh

Distillate Production Equipment line HVE

Molekular geprägte Polymere MIP von Promarsa Gmbh

Molecularly Imprinted Polymers MIP

Isolate-Produktion – Reaktorpakete von Promarsa Gmbh

Isolate Production - Reactor Packages

Schlüsselfertige Cannabisöl-Extraktionsanlagen TAWS von Promarsa Gmbh

Turnkey Cannabis Oil Extraction Facilities TAWS

THC Remediaion D970L & D915L von Promarsa Gmbh

THC Remediaion D970L & D915L

Cannabis & Hemp
Reproofing & Dewatering

Automatische Ethanol-Reproofing _ Entwässerung F-Serie von Promarsa Gmbh

Automatic Ethanol Reproofing _ Dewatering F-Series

Cannabis & Hemp
Vapor-static extraction

Dampfstatisches Modulsystem von Promarsa GmbH

Vapor-Static Module System

Cannabis & Hemp
Water extraction

Cannabis- und Hanfwasserextraktion von Promarsa Gmbh


Industrial Solutions
Fractional Distillation

Fraktionierte Destillationskolonnen 1 von Promarsa Gmbh

Fractional Distillation Columns 1

Fraktionierte Destillation von Promarsa GmbH

Fractional Distillation Columns

Industrial Solutions
Oil recycling and recovery

Ölrecyclingsystem OVR der Promarsa GmbH

Oil Recycling System OVR

Transformatoröl-Regenerationssystem TORS von Promarsa Gmbh

Transformer Oil Regeneration System TORS

Industrial Solutions
Solvent recycling & recovery

Lösungsmittelsparende Charge SSB von Promarsa Gmbh

solvent saver batch SSB

Sovent Saver Continuous SSC von Promarsa Gmbh

Sovent Saver Continuous SSC

Solvent Saver Batch Premium SSBP von Promarsa Gmbh

Solvent Saver Batch Premium SSBP

Solvent Saver Engineered SSE von Promarsa Gmbh

Solvent Saver Engineered SSE

Solvent Saver Printing SSP von Promarsa Gmbh

Solvent Saver Printing SSP

Industrial Solutions
Wastewater purification

aquamizer m von Promarsa Gmbh

aquamizer m

Rotodisk von Promarsa GmbH


aquamizer f von Promarsa Gmbh

aquamizer f